Oven Baked Miso Tofu with Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes
Oven Baked Miso Tofu with Broccoli and Sweet PotatoesA super nourishing easy to make weekday meal for 3-4 people.Prep Time15...
Oven Baked Miso Tofu with Broccoli and Sweet PotatoesA super nourishing easy to make weekday meal for 3-4 people.Prep Time15...
Craving adding new flavours to your meal routine. Made in late summer with fresh parsley, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers gives...
A hearty and delicious vegan butternut squash stew for 6.Prep Time10 minCook Time45 minTotal Time55 minCuisineIndianCourseMain CourseSuitable for DietVegan Ingredients1...
An easy vegan Korma, made with the perfect blend of spices from Ottawa own’s Pestle & Pods spice company. Prep Time10...
Baked Sweet Potatoes and Kale with Chickpeas and Tahini SauceA cozy and filling sweet potato recipe to warm you up...
Look no further, this simple, adaptable meal is an easy addition to your weeknight meal rotation. Swap out the grain,...
Add some spice to your life with the Vegan Chickpea Curry Meal. Serve with a side of rice, cauliflower rice...
Chicken Fried Rice with an Indian Twist. A great way to use up leftover rice and add some new flavours...
A creamy vegan curry with local mushrooms. Recipe from Ottawa’s own spice company Pestle and Pods. Prep Time5 minCook Time10 minTotal...
Let’s face it, being a new parent is hard. Our kids...
As a consumer I want eggs from Free-Range chickens. As a...
Ready to start harvesting fresh herbs for your meals! I know...
There’s something truly magical about the arrival of...
Our 12-year old can’t eat gluten. From a young age it...
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